Green water meter


Zvolenská cesta 29
974 05 Banská Bystrica
IČO: 31 624 189

Contact person

Ing. Darina Chrienová
0918 435 203
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The verification time is different for each meter. Non-residential cold water meters are verified every 6 years and non-residential hot water meters every 4 years. Heat meters and their units are also verified after 4 years. Residential cold and hot water meters have the same validity period, i.e. 5 years. However, the service life of the water meter is not mentioned anywhere. If the water meter is not completely mechanically damaged, it can be re-verified and does not have to end up in the waste. This is the so-called subsequent verification.

ENBRA gives water meters, but also heat meters, a new life and puts them back into circulation. It thus creates a unique product, which represents a sustainable version of the water meter - a green water meter from ENBRA. Technically and legislatively, it is possible to renovate and subsequently verify all available water meters on the Slovak market. However, the supplier or manufacturer must ensure that the necessary spare parts are supplied. It is necessary to have suitable technological equipment, professional staff and logistical support. However, verification may only be performed by an authorized metrological service. 

ENBRA has one of these in Banská Bystrica. The quality of the green water meter is so reliable, verified by time and experience that the company does not currently make any distinctions between the warranty period of new and green water meters. It contractually guarantees a guarantee period for the validity of the metrological verification, i.e. for five years.

Economic benefits

Reduction in the purchase price of the water meter. Support employment in the region.

Environmental benefits

The main advantages of a green water meter include that the device does not end up in a landfill, does not generate waste, saves natural resources and does not burden the planet. In terms of climate protection, subsequent verification significantly reduces the emissions that are generated in the production of new devices. In addition, water meters increase energy-efficient behaviour by monitoring consumption, which can then be regulated and reduced.
