Energy Detective


ENECO, s.r.o.
Budovateľská 11628/38
080 01 Prešov
IČO: 36 468 002

Contact person

Ing. Peter Kollár
0915 973 835
View profile


The Energy Detective service provides studies that seek answers to questions related to energy and environmental protection - to the production, distribution and consumption of energies of different types and renewable energies. The service is provided to large enterprises, ministries, higher territorial units, cities and various other interested parties. As an example, these types of questions can be the subject of the studies: 1. Why are flats or apartment buildings disconnected from the central heating supply in the given location? What is the cause of these phenomena and how to prevent them? 2. Is the energy consumer sufficiently protected from the monopoly of heat producers? What effective mechanisms to create on consumer protection? 3. Does the certification of buildings bring the expected results, and if not, how to remove the identified shortcomings? What needs to be done to ensure that energy certification has the expected benefits? 4. What do we need to do in our business to start an effective mechanism of continual search for energy savings and what prevents the implementation of such mechanisms in practice? 5. What mechanisms shall be implemented at city or higher territorial level in the near future to reduce energy consumption, etc.?
