Reinforced surfaces with rainfall (grey) water retention function


PR Krajné, s. r. o.
Krajné č. 874
916 16 Krajné
IČO: 36 704 300

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+421 32 74 80 400
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The reinforced surfaces (pavements, parking lots, other handling surfaces) in their structure use high resistance of the STERED material (load, dimensional stability in dry, wet or frozen state as a retention, water retaining component). Water retention capacity is 25-42 l /m2 depending on the structure. This capacity is restored by evaporation of water into the ambient air. The STERED component has the ability to hold oil products up to 25 l/m2 without liquor. In combination with grassing components, STERED ensures rooting and better vegetation growth (moisture maintenance).

Partner: MDM SLovakia,s.r.o.,

Economic benefits

Paved areas that use the retention capacity of the STERED slab in their composition perform, in addition to their basic function, the function of rainwater retention. This reduces the induced costs for the construction of facilities for the management of rainwater from paved areas (less required capacity of catch baskets, retention basins). The foundation of the construction reduces the costs for the formation of the sub-bed (depth of the bed, addition of other inert material - stone). The recovery of the retention capacity is created by the high ability of STERED slabs to evaporate the retained water back into the air. The high absorption capacity of such surfaces during heavy rainfall limits the damage from excessive water runoff.

Environmental benefits

The retained water in the area is evaporated (evaporated) back into the surrounding air. This has the beneficial effect of promoting a small water cycle, cooling the air and reducing dust. A combination of several recycled materials is used in the composition:

technical textiles (automotive, ballast carpets),
waste mixed plastics,
waste PP packaging (e.g. BigBag),
Used tyres,
PVC from electrical cables.
Simplifying the foundation of the building for the respective composition saves the consumption of the produced amount of waste soil in the formation of the subsoil and the need for new inert material - stone.

Examples of implementation of the solution in practice

Photo 1: Pavement village Banka (, - pavement recycled PVC)
Photo No. 2: Parking lot and sidewalk Technical University of Zvolen (, - PVC recycled pavement)
Photo No. 3: Pavement of the Secondary Vocational School Stará Turá (, - grass paving, recycled plastic PP)
Photo 4: Entrance to the house Velká na Veličkou (, - recycled plastic PP)
Photo No. 5: Playground and exercise area Sokolovna Průhonice Praha, Krajné (, - recycled tyre boards)
