Radio control aqua drone


Slovakia Comcor Engineering s.r.o
040 01 Košice - Staré Mesto
IČO: 36 775 797

Contact person

Rastislav Rychnavsky
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This aqua drone can help operator to take out dirties from river like plastic bottles, small woods, textile or another material which is on the river surface. Also can be use for magnet fishing, or take out from river petroleum products like oil, diesel from boat. Also can be use for screening if we will implemnted sonar. Is according customer requirements. See for more detail about using last pdf with basic requirements.

Economic benefits

Cost savings in waste transfer, collection and disposal if waste collection is carried out within a set period. Separation of different types of waste is achieved and then it can be better used and recycled. This also has an impact on the creation of new jobs, i.e. a social programme for people who are out of work or unemployed. "You can also make the most of waste, you just have to want to and decide to change"

Environmental benefits

Clean waters free of plastic waste, polystyrene, textiles and other floating debris. Bio-waste such as wood can be further processed as biomass in the energy industry or to create wood chips for humus.

Examples of implementation of the solution in practice

The testing was carried out at the Ružín dam where we simulated waste collection and subsequent waste separation.
