Slovenská obchodná a priemyselná komora - Trenčianska regionálna komora
Slovenská obchodná a priemyselná komora - Trenčianska regionálna komoraJilemnickeho 2
91101 Trenčín
IČO: 30 842 654
Contact person
Jan Vaclav+421905503298
The Trenčín Regional Chamber of SOPK is established by the Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry, a public law, non-profit organization according to the Act 9/1992 Coll. on Chambers of Commerce and Industry. The Trenčín Regional Chamber of SOPK runs a nationwide section of textile, clothing, leather and footwear manufacturers. It is also active in the Slovak Plastics Cluster and the Central European Digitalisation and Environment Association - CEDEG.