Nezávislá Environmentálna Konzultačná Agentúra s. r. o.


Nezávislá Environmentálna Konzultačná Agentúra s. r. o.
Viničky 38/9
949 11 Nitra
IČO: 54 065 976

Contact person

Peter Šimurka


Independent Environmental Consulting Agency, s. r. o., is a project of Peter Šimurka, who has been working on the environment since 2003. He has held various positions in the state administration, from an ordinary clerk in a district office, to an inspector, to chief inspector in the Slovak Environmental Inspectorate, to the director of the department at the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic. His extensive professional experience in legislation, waste management and integrated pollution prevention and control enables him to develop the best recommendations and practical solutions in the field of environmental protection and comprehensive environmental consultancy.
