Nová Cvernovka


Nová Cvernovka
Račianska 78
83102 Bratislava
IČO: 50 063 421

Contact person

Branislav Čavoj


Nová Cvernovka is a cultural and creative centre run by the Cvernovka Foundation, located on the premises of the former chemical industrial plant at 78 Račianska Street in Bratislava. In addition to multifunctional spaces, an outdoor terrace, a stage, a community garden, a public park, a children's playground and a public library, it houses 132 artistic and creative studios. The campus provides a wide range of cultural and educational programs in music, visual arts, literature, film, theatre and multi-genre activities. As a community, it has long created a space for dialogue between culture, art, ecology, science and citizenship.
