Be Lenka s. r. o.


Be Lenka s. r. o.
Antona Bernoláka 2202/12
01001 Žilina
IČO: 51 085 291

Contact person

Michal Macek


Be Lenka, a Slovak brand, is a pioneer of barefoot footwear and children's carriers. Barefoot is still perceived as an alternative way of footwear, so Be Lenka wants to bring this style of footwear to the general public. Despite the undeniable health benefits of barefoot, they offer their premium shoes to the world. It is the same with their baby carriers, which they developed by combining a baby carrier scarf and a classic baby carrier, resulting in an ergonomic carrier. Be Lenka was founded by former Slovak Paralympian Lenka Cenigova and Juraj Fehervari. In their early days, they started with the production of ergonomic baby carriers and scarves for babywearing. Gradually, they improved the carriers to meet the demanding requirements of moms and dads. After trying and discovering all the benefits of wearing barefoot shoes, they decided to add barefoot shoes to their portfolio, which have received many accolades from customers and experts alike. Be Lenka products are created in the hands of the best designers and engineers. The products are manufactured in workshops in Slovakia and the Czech Republic, which are part of a 150-year Central European shoemaking tradition.
