ecorec Slovensko s.r.o.


ecorec Slovensko s.r.o.
Glejovka 15
90203 Pezinok
IČO: 31 358 951

Contact person

Anton Porvazník
+421 902 372 131


ecorec has been active in the waste management sector since 1993. The main objective of our activity is the treatment of waste and its ecological processing into waste fuels, which are further energy recovered in the cement industry. We supply waste fuels to the cement plants of the CRH Group, of which we have been a part since 2015 and which, with its cement plants in Rohožník and Turni nad Bodvou, is the largest cement producer in the region. We are able to make use of waste that nobody wants or knows how to recycle anymore. The waste fuels produced in our plant go to cement kilns for processing, where they are burned at high temperatures, up to 1,400°C. The process of applying waste fuels in cement production is subject to strict quality control and environmental requirements. In general, cement production is a very material- and energy-intensive process, so the use of waste fuels in the cement industry is of particular importance. This process is much more environmentally friendly than the use of traditional fossil fuels.
