Obec Košeca


Obec Košeca
Hlavná ulica 36/100
01864 Košeca
IČO: 00 317 390


Contact person

Marek Kurinec


The municipality of Košeca is located in the Trenčín Self-Governing Region, in the district of Ilava. Currently it has about 2 760 inhabitants. Most of the inhabitants (88 %) live in family houses, of which there are 900 in total. About 12% of the population lives in apartment houses. Until 2007, there was no separate waste collection in the municipality and 100 % of the waste was landfilled. The revenue from local waste charges covered only 50 % of the expenditure. Separate collection of waste started in 2008. 

Since 2009, a flat-rate incentive scheme has been established. If a household did not participate in the separate collection, it had a flat fee of 26 €/person/year. If sorted, only 13 €/person/year.  Since 2010, further benefits have been given to households that carried out home or community composting. They received a 20% discount on the local waste charge for 1 person in the household. Sorted collection started in 2013 in residential buildings. In 2008, the municipality of Koseca set up a collection yard. After receiving a non-refundable financial contribution from EU funds, it built a new collection yard and started its operation in 2015.

Currently, more than 50% of the residents carry out home or community composting of bio-waste. As of 2019, the municipality operates 2 small composting plants.

Read more: https://www.facebook.com/obeckoseca/
