AGRO CS Slovakia, a.s.


AGRO CS Slovakia, a.s.
Námestie republiky 5
984 01 Lučenec
IČO: 36 042 161

Contact person

+421 47 4373277


AGRO CS Slovakia, a. s. was established in May 2000. The production itself was started in January 2001, a year later the production of bark began, gradually fertiliser production was added and in 2008 the production of wood chips was added. In 2020, the company changed its production process. It focused its sophisticated modern technology on the processing of biodegradable waste (BRO) and the production of organic-mineral fertilisers for the agro-sector and the cultivation industry. The company is the largest producer of growing substrates in Slovakia. In addition to these, their product range includes crystalline, liquid, organic, organic-mineral and long-acting fertilizers, as well as decorative materials, turf programme and plant protection products. In addition to hobby customers (AGRO, FLORIA, NATURA, KRIST products), the company also represents customers from the professional sector. It provides professional and expert service for vegetable growers, floricultural enterprises, ornamental and forest nurseries, as well as implementers of gardens, parks, lawns, football and golf courses and vegetation roofs (green roofs).
