Mesto Žiar nad Hronom

Mesto Žiar nad HronomŠ. Moysesa 46
965 19 Žiar nad Hronom
IČO: 00 321 125
Contact person
–045/ 678 71 40
The town of Žiar nad Hronom is located in the Banská Bystrica region, in the central Pohronie region, in the Žiarská basin. It spreads mainly on the right terrace of the Hron River. The cadastral area of the town is 40.0 km2. The Žiarská basin is bounded by the Vtáčnik Mountains to the west, the Kremnické Hills to the north and east and the Štiavnické Hills to the south. It is a modern, dynamically developing city, which has a long-term focus on building and modernising urban infrastructure and which is interested in capturing the coming trend of smart solutions. It is one of the municipalities with a long-term focus on the environment, with an emphasis on waste management.