2brothers, s.r.o.

2brothers, s.r.o.Opatovce nad Nitrou 543
972 02 Opatovce nad Nitrou
IČO: 47 975 920
Contact person
Edita Bednárová0907377879
At the end of 2015, the founders of the project (the Diano brothers: Mirety and Jaroslav) successfully ended their 7-year business in transport (taxi service). They were looking for new ways to invest their money and capitalize on their years of business experience. They wanted to bring a service that would have a positive impact on the lives of as many people as possible and finally chose "bike sharing". They were worried about the increasing traffic and congestion even in a small town like Prievidza, car exhaust fumes and emissions, as well as the modern lifestyle of people who forget about active movement and pay for their health with their convenience.
Developed countries already know that functional cities are based on cycle paths and bike-sharing systems. With the advent of the Green Bicycle Project, the first commercial bike sharing, Slovakia has joined the ranks of these countries. The aim is not only to build awareness of an alternative, healthier, greener way of transport over short distances, but also to actively communicate with local authorities and improve conditions in district and regional towns.