Confal, a. s.

Confal, a. s.Príboj 549
976 13 Slovenská Ľupča
IČO: 36 032 930
Contact person
Michal Škriečka+421 904 720 700
The company's core business is the production of aluminium alloys by remelting aluminium scrap with a current production capacity of 15,000 tonnes of alloys per year, we are also a recycler of aluminium production waste. We offer our customers a comprehensive service including the provision of collection containers, logistics and the subsequent treatment of aluminium production waste in accordance with current legislation. We consider expert advice and technical support related to logistics, treatment of aluminium raw material as well as customisation of the service to our customers as an integral part of our service. Gradually we have developed quite a wide range of in-house pre-treatment options for scrap (crushing, sorting, pressing, centrifuging). From 1 tonne of aluminium scrap we produce on average 800 kg of alloy.