Reduction of the energy demand of the cultural-administrative building


Obec Nižná Voľa
Nižná Voľa 30
08621 Nižná Voľa
IČO: 00 322 431

Contact person

Ing. Marcel Kaščák
View profile


By reconstructing both interior and exterior of cultural-administrative building, we managed to reduce its energy consumption. The building's outer shell, basement ceiling and attic floor were insulated. The flat roof was replaced with a gable roof on which solar collectors were installed for water heating. The electrical wiring, water and sewage pipes were reconstructed, old lamps have been replaced with energy-saving LED lamps and the old Gamat gas heaters were replaced with central heating controlled by a 28 kWh condensing gas boiler.


Economic benefits

A municipality with 270 inhabitants would not be able to operate such a building in the future unless it is renovated in 2019-2020.

Environmental benefits

Of course, with every energy savings and introduction of technologies that produce energy from renewable sources, the municipality, the citizen, the state can save and protect the environment.


Examples of implementation of the solution in practice

Naša obec už okrem vyššie uvedeného ekologického príkladu realizovala v minulosti a realizuje projekty zachytávania dažďovej vody do dažďových záhrad (2 lokality), do akumulačnej nádrže, ktorá slúži okrem zavlažovania verejných priestranstiev aj ako protipovodňová nádrž. V posledných 5 rokoch sme v intraviláne obce vysadili 200 kusov drevín a krov.
