Obec Nižná Voľa


Obec Nižná Voľa
Nižná Voľa 30
08621 Nižná Voľa
IČO: 00 322 431


Contact person

Ing. Marcel Kaščák


The village of Nižná Voľa is home to 270 inhabitants and has an environmental education centre at the local primary school. As we follow the motto "think ahead", the municipality implements a number of environmental projects that inspire all households and pupils of the local primary school. In this way, we teach our own citizens to value the environment they live in and to improve it for future generations. We are simply pointing out in a practical way the pro-environmental direction of our municipality and, by extension, of society as a whole. The village of Nižná Voľa is located in a floodplain because it is situated in the valley of the Čarnošina stream with numerous forest tributaries and steep slopes. Prolonged dry periods in the summer and autumn months are associated with water scarcity. These dry periods are punctuated by several days of high rainfall or heavy storm activity with intense rainfall leading to flooding. Currently, the municipality is implementing the project 'Promotion of the rural landscape and its healthy environment', where we raise the environmental awareness of the citizens.
