Electronification of waste collection


GX Solutions, a. s.
Galvaniho 12
821 04 Bratislava-Trnávka
IČO: 45 232 270


Contact person

Emília Vadócz
+421 918 342 804
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The solution with advanced RFID functionality digitizes waste management services. It optimizes waste management through data analysis of container identification and collection vehicle monitoring. Automated waste export eliminates the unwanted influence of the human factor on data acquisition. It thus complements inaccurate, incomplete or even missing waste data of households and entities. The principle of collecting data directly from the source brings the necessary reliability, addressability, fairness and motivation. It is a simple affordable tool for smart waste management and implementation of PAYT system. The bins are tagged with an RFID tag, the bags with a QR code. By assigning chips to specific bins, they become digital data carriers for individual waste commodities. The collection vehicle is equipped with an RFID container reader and a vehicle monitoring system. The system automatically records each emptying and comprehensively evaluates the transport and the quantity of waste. The information is transmitted to the server in real time. Local authorities, collection companies and citizens have instantly accessible information in a unified data base.

Economic benefits

Ensuring the efficient operation of waste collection. Inventory of bins. Recovery of the budget through fair collection of waste charges. Optimising waste collection and transport costs. Reducing landfill costs. Optimisation of capacity through shorter waste export times. And more.

Environmental benefits

Reduction of municipal waste. Increase in sorted components. Reduction of landfilled waste. Reduction of emissions by optimising collection logistics. Behavioural impact on waste producers (individuals) accompanied by a reduction in waste generation and better segregation.

Examples of implementation of the solution in practice

It is precisely because of automation that dozens of local governments and other entities in different regions of Slovakia have introduced electronic services (Technical Services Senica, Technical Services Dolný Kubín, Ekover, s. r. o., Municipal Service Enterprise Chtelnica. Kremnica, Spišská Bela and others. Municipalities Dojč, Chtelnica, Slovinky, Margecany, Veľké Úľany and others.)
