Reneso - Recycling cigarette waste


Reneso s.r.o.
Dr. Jánskeho 25
96501 Žiar nad Hronom
IČO: 53 439 562

Contact person

Hugo Repáň
+421 907 285 636
View profile


Company offers sustainable partnership for clients by participating on the recycling process of cigarette waste. Special ashtrays are installed in the smoker poles, then cigarette waste is collected and ecologically recycled at our company in Slovakia.

Economic benefits

The recycling process transforms cigarette waste into a product usable in the construction industry. The company creates sustainable partnerships with clients who are interested in collaborating on eco-friendly solutions.

Environmental benefits

More than 15 billion cigarettes are sold every day and more than half end up on the ground. Cigarette butts contain toxic and carcinogenic substances that leach into the water and soil and contaminate the surrounding area as a result of rainfall. By collecting and recycling them, Reneso protects the environment.

Examples of implementation of the solution in practice

Acetyl cellulose fibers made from recycled cigarette filters represent a unique eco-friendly option for the production of SMA (mastic carpet asphalt), PA (porous asphalt) and other high binder asphalt mixtures.
