Energy solutions for households


Východoslovenská energetika Holding a. s.
Mlynská 31
04291 Košice
IČO: 36 211 222

Contact person

Henrieta Fabianová
0918 471 092
View profile


In addition to electricity and gas supply services, company Východoslovenská energetika a.s. offers useful services and products for households. In the SuperDomov (SuperHome) customer programme, customers will find assistance services together with advice for home improvement. They can insure their property or real estate through Home Insurance. VSE provides customers with pioneering energy solutions for today's and tomorrow's energy world. It enables them to enjoy the comforts of home effortlessly, efficiently and sustainably. From air conditioners for the summer heat to new heating equipment for freezing winters, customers can choose. Offering zoned heating controls, heat pumps and other efficient heating, photovoltaic panels to produce their own green energy, battery systems to store it are becoming commonplace today. The Green Energy service with the possibility to support green projects guarantees customers the purchase of electricity from renewable sources in the volume consumed by their household.



Economic benefits

Thanks to VSE's services and products, customers can not only reduce their energy consumption, but also improve and modernise their household equipment.

Environmental benefits

VSE brings sustainability home. It helps customers use less energy, recycle energy where possible, or generate their own green energy and store it. VSE's solutions enable customers to use energy more efficiently, reducing emissions and thus their dependence on fossil fuels.

Examples of implementation of the solution in practice

A wide range of air conditioners from self-cleaning, air purifying, motion sensor or design models.

Condensing gas boilers with installation tailored to the exact needs of the home.

Eco-friendly heat pumps with efficient solutions according to the type of heating.

Dividing the home into separate heating zones, making it possible to have a different temperature in each room and control it all via mobile phone.

Photovoltaic panels with which it is possible to heat water or draw electricity for the household.

The Saving Mode service can eliminate excess energy consumption generated by appliances in standby mode.
