Východoslovenská energetika Holding a. s.


Východoslovenská energetika Holding a. s.
Mlynská 31
04291 Košice
IČO: 36 211 222


Contact person

Henrieta Fabianová
0918 471 092


Východoslovenská energetika Holding, a. s., (VSE Holding) manages its subsidiaries, which are dedicated to the distribution of electricity (Východoslovenská distribučná, a.s.), the supply of electricity and natural gas (Východoslovenská energetika a.s.), as well as to the offer of innovative products and services, the implementation of energy solutions for all of its customers and the development of the regions in which it operates. Both companies are thus bringing more efficient and sustainable use of energy to their customers with their intelligent and innovative solutions.

The VSE Holding Group promotes the principles of responsible and sustainable business in all processes that take place in our company. It implements activities aimed at supporting the community, improving employee and supplier-customer relations, as well as protecting the environment. VSE Holding's customers are also looking for sustainable activities and embarking on a digital and decarbonised future in which they not only consume, but also generate and store their own clean energy. VSE Holding's innovative and sustainable energy solutions will continue to be directed towards them.
