Energy solutions for companies and organisations


Východoslovenská energetika Holding a. s.
Mlynská 31
04291 Košice
IČO: 36 211 222

Contact person

Henrieta Fabianová
0918 471 092
View profile


The company provides individual energy solutions for production halls, industrial plants, office buildings, hotels, schools, healthcare facilities, municipalities and cities. It proposes intelligent solutions to customers to help them achieve their sustainable goals, which include reducing primary energy consumption, reducing emissions, and introducing renewable energy technologies. It provides them with solutions for large-scale power and heat generation, district heating and cooling, decentralised solutions, energy efficient products and services. VSE customers can draw on a wide range of advanced technologies such as energy recycling equipment, waste heat recovery, heat pumps, low-temperature heating and cooling, energy storage, lighting optimization and many more, along with providing in-depth analysis and customized technical solution proposals, including quantification of expected investment costs. Projects are implemented in turnkey form including service and with the possibility of financing through the Guaranteed Energy Service.


Economic benefits

VSE's technology teams are constantly looking for new, innovative solutions that help make customers' operations more efficient and ultimately save them money.

Environmental benefits

VSE increases energy efficiency and uses features and equipment that minimise the impact of operations on the environment. Saving energy costs, conserving resources, preventing and reducing emissions is the path to sustainability and competitiveness.

Examples of implementation of the solution in practice

Part of the solution for Aqua City Poprad is a unique heat pump with oil-free compressors with motor, with bearings on a magnetic base.

Ammonia-free ice cooling system using waste heat designed for the ice rink in Liptovský Hrádek.

Replacement of the original fluorescent lighting fixtures in the Tatra banka headquarters,

Tatracentrum building in Bratislava, with energy-saving LEDs, primarily saving 54% of electricity and secondarily increasing the required lighting intensity.

Implementation of extensive reconstruction of the outdated boiler room in the AGEL Komárno hospital, heat distribution and control. The reconstruction achieved 35-40% savings in gas costs and a complete stop of heat leaks in the distribution system.

Exceptional reconstruction of the lighting of St. Martin's Cathedral in Bratislava by installing the most powerful LED chips, also controllable remotely via mobile phone.
