TRITECH, concrete that uses building and demolition waste recyclate


Považská cementáreň, a. s., Ladce
ul. J. Kráľa
01863 Ladce
IČO: 31 615 716

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+421 42 4603 111
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Považská cementáreň, a. s., Ladce is currently one of the most advanced cement factories in Europe. It makes Portland and Portland slag cement and special cement of exceptional quality that meet European technical norms. TRITECH, concrete that uses building and demolition waste recyclate, was awarded the Innovative Act of the Year award in the Product Innovation category by the Slovak Ministry of the economy in 2017.

The TRITECH technology has been extensively verified in a concrete institute in Germany. A special ecotoxicological analysis was carried out in VŠB Ostrava, and TSUS Bratislava approved the certification and definitive verification of results. The new patented TRITECH ecotechnology turns recycled building waste, which would otherwise present a significant environmental load if landfilled into a new generation cement. It is based on a detailed analysis of brick recyclate and recycled brick dust characteristics to gain internal activation within concrete to enhance the microstructure of concrete that results in a long-term increase of mechanical qualities and chemical resistance.

Multiple years of operation confirm that its utilisation as gravel aggregate and mineral additives has comparable and better outcomes than reference concrete. TRITECH cement creates new added value in the form of enhanced workability of fresh concrete, enhanced resistance against noise and vibrations, and enhance fire resistance.

Economic benefits

Significantly saves primary resources.

Environmental benefits

Advances in technology have enabled a more comprehensive approach to the issue of recycling construction material for reuse in concrete production.
Reusing material is a way to reduce construction costs and at the same time be more environmentally friendly. Recycling helps to reduce construction waste and prolongs the life of landfills. It can also earn builders points toward LEED certification.

Examples of implementation of the solution in practice

Residential construction using TRITECH technology was carried out in Austria.
