Collection containers for used kitchen oil


Kaufland Slovenská republika v.o.s.
Trnavská cesta 41/A, Bratislava
83104 Bratislava
IČO: 35 790 164

Contact person

Lucia Vargová
+421 904 877 370
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Customers in Kaufland stores have the option to separate different materials. From 2018, customers can also drop off used cooking oil in specially marked containers at all Kaufland stores.

All types of vegetable oils are suitable for oil separation, whether sunflower, rapeseed, linseed, palm, olive or others. It is also possible to use oils that serve as a food brine (canned fish) or ordinary fats that later solidify, such as lard. If properly separated, it is possible to turn ordinary cooking oil into a raw material that can be used in transport, energy, logistics or other sectors.

Economic benefits

There are economic as well as environmental reasons for collecting cooking oil. Just 1 kg of recycled cooking oil is enough to produce approximately 0.75 litres of alternative MERO fuel. The biodiesel can then be used as 100% fuel or blended into diesel. The used oil collection containers have been a great success among customers and more than 500 tonnes of used cooking oil have been collected since the project was launched.

Environmental benefits

Such biodiesel produces fewer pollutants and less CO2 in the air when burned. In Slovakia, biodiesel is used only for industrial, agricultural and forestry vehicles, but its use is more common in other EU countries. Used oil should not be poured down the sink or disposed of in regular municipal waste. As little as 1 dl of such oil entering the sewerage system can pollute several thousand litres of water and contaminate surface water, soil and groundwater sources.

Examples of implementation of the solution in practice

A container for separation of used cooking oil is available at every single Kaufland store in Slovakia.
