Kaufland Slovenská republika v.o.s.


Kaufland Slovenská republika v.o.s.
Trnavská cesta 41/A, Bratislava
83104 Bratislava
IČO: 35 790 164


Contact person

Lucia Vargová
+421 904 877 370


Kaufland is a member of the Schwarz Gruppe. The company's history began in 1930 in Germany, where it is one of the leading food chains. The first Kaufland department store was opened in Slovakia in 2000. Kaufland is one of the largest employers in the retail sector. It is committed not only to its customers but also to its employees. Through continuous development and growth, continued investment in the future through reorganization and modernization, it offers stable jobs in a wide variety of professions and fields.

Kaufland's focus is on sustainable and responsible business. These themes include environmental protection, recycling, waste reduction, support for regional projects and cooperation with NGOs and charities.
