
SEWA, a. s.
Sliačska 1E
83102 Bratislava
IČO: 35 942 355

Contact person

Lívia Burzová
+421 2 4910 6822
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OZV SEWA, a.s., in cooperation with partners, has been implementing eco-educational programmes for children and youth since 2014.

The eco-educational programme for the youngest - kindergarteners We collect used batteries with Šmudl is aimed at education in the field of waste sorting. Children learn to sort household waste together with Smudl and also learn where used batteries from their toys belong. The project involves 600 kindergartens and primary schools in selected cities and regions. 

Peer education on the topic of e-waste-waste is aimed at primary and secondary school pupils. School teams of one teacher and two pupils educate their peers about the life cycle of electrical appliances. Since 2017, more than 100 schools have joined the project and the topic has been covered in 33 different school subjects.

Since 2014, schools and educational institutions have been learning how to properly dispose of e-waste through the "Exchange e-waste for balls!" programme. All schools can hand in their e-waste to us free of charge, for which we reward them with sporting goods. We send each school a series of "Don't throw everything in one bag!" audio recordings, from which they learn why and how to sort municipal waste.

Economic benefits

Free education for schools on environmental protection and implementation of the topic in the classroom.
Free collection of old electrical equipment from schools as part of projects.

Environmental benefits

Eco-education raises new questions and shapes the mindset and outlook of the young generation. Young people are able to connect information with facts and consequently change not only their own behaviour and habits, but also those of their peers and the older generation. These factors are a prerequisite for future changes in the consumption, production and recycling of electrical equipment. 

Examples of implementation of the solution in practice

Rewards for schools
Collection of used batteries
ElectroWaste-Approach 3
