SEWA, a. s.


SEWA, a. s.
Sliačska 1E
83102 Bratislava
IČO: 35 942 355

Contact person

Lívia Burzová
+421 2 4910 6822


SEWA, a.s. is a producer responsibility organisation (PRO) which fulfils legislative obligations for producers (importers, sellers) of electrical equipment that fall under extended producer responsibility. It is primarily about ensuring the collection and recycling of e-waste in accordance with the defined objectives in the Waste Act. At the same time, producers of electrical equipment can also fulfil producer obligations for batteries, packaging and non-packaging through SEWA. All through one registration and for one entry fee. SEWA also focuses on educating the population, through its own eco-educational programmes aimed at raising environmental awareness and improving habits in the field of sorting municipal waste.
