Waste separation


Obec Trnavá Hora
Okružná cesta 229/21
96611 Trnavá Hora
IČO: 00 321 052


Contact person

Mgr. Pavel Kravec
0918 454 941
View profile


Trnavá Hora lies between Žiar nad Hronom and Zvolen, in the Bánska Bystrica region, and it has 1 220 inhabitants. The town pays close attention to the systematic organisation of waste management, thanks to which it increased the extent of waste separation from 14% to 53% from 2010 to 2019.

A long journey of systemic measures contributed towards a continuous increase in the share of waste separation: implementation of the door-to-door waste separation, the opening of a collection yard, support of home composting, implementation of waste separation in recreational zones, implementation of biological waste collection and kitchen waste collection, all the way to transitioning from a flat-rate fee to an amount-based collection of mixed waste.


Economic benefits

Reduction of municipal waste management costs.

Environmental benefits

- Accelerating the intensification of collection and sorting,


- the establishment of waste collection sites in the cottage and cottage farming areas of Belíkovo and Ladno,


- the introduction of door-to-door sorted collection in the Klyachanska valley, family houses
