Obec Trnavá Hora


Obec Trnavá Hora
Okružná cesta 229/21
96611 Trnavá Hora
IČO: 00 321 052


Contact person

Mgr. Pavel Kravec
0918 454 941


The village of Trnavá Hora lies between Žiar nad Hronom and Zvolen, on the border of the Kremnické and Štiavnica Hills, in the valley of the Hron River, at the narrowest point of the Tekovská basin. The R1 expressway passes through the Jalná district. Territorially, it lies in the Žiar nad Hronom district in the Banská Bystrica region. It consists of 4 parts: Trnavá Hora lower part and upper part, Jalná and the end part Kľačany. In the cadastre there are also cottage and cottage areas Ladno and Belíkovo, recreational area Tralaland and some houses are scattered along the road in the Kľačianska valley, which makes it difficult to organize sorted waste collection.
