Support of drink packaging recycling


Asociácia výrobcov nealkoholických nápojov a minerálnych vôd na Slovensku - AVNM
Pluhová 2
83103 Bratislava
IČO: 31 753 744

Contact person

Lucia Morvai
View profile


AVNM is a non-profit interest group created in 1995 to cooperate in pursuing the common interests and the development of the non-alcoholic beverage industry in Slovakia. It represents the leading Slovak and foreign producers and distributors of non-alcoholic beverages, natural mineral waters, and fruit juices.

In the coming year, the members of AVNM have the ambition to contribute towards an increase in the extent of collection and subsequent recycling of beverage packaging, to gradually increase the amount of recycled content of new PET packaging, and to reach an average of 25% of recycled content in packaging for the Slovak market by 2025. The members of AVNM already sell most of their beverages in packaging that is 100% recyclable. In the following years, they have the ambition to work on innovations to remove the obstacles in cost-efficient recycling and reach total recyclability or compostability of single-use beverage packaging by 2030.

Economic benefits

Reducing waste production, saving resources, using waste as a source of new raw material


Environmental benefits

Saves primary raw material resources and the environment.
