Asociácia výrobcov nealkoholických nápojov a minerálnych vôd na Slovensku - AVNM


Asociácia výrobcov nealkoholických nápojov a minerálnych vôd na Slovensku - AVNM
Pluhová 2
83103 Bratislava
IČO: 31 753 744

Contact person

Lucia Morvai


AVNM is a non-profit interest association, which was founded in 1995 to work together to advocate common interests and the development of the non-alcoholic industry in Slovakia. It represents leading Slovak and foreign producers and distributors of soft drinks, natural mineral waters and fruit juices.

The aim of the company is to cooperate in the creation of a legislative environment favourable for business and investment activities in the soft drinks industry. The company is committed to meaningful solutions that will contribute to the transition to a circular economy and is ready to contribute to the achievement of carbon neutrality, 100% recyclability of beverage packaging, increased collection, recycling and reuse of recycled material in new packaging.
