Solar collector production

Thermo|solar ŽiarNa Vartičke 14, 965 01 Žiar nad Hronom
965 01 Žiar nad Hronom
IČO: 00 616 915
Contact person
–+421-45-601 6080
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THERMO|SOLAR Žiar, s. r. o. is one of the most important European producers of thermic solar collectors. During its more than 35-year existence it has produces hundreds of thousands of solar systems utilised mainly for the preparation of warm water, water heating in pools, heating, industrial heating production and other special uses. Their products have been exported to more than 70 countries. The company puts primary emphasis on quality, research and development. It owns unique equipment for measuring the quality of selective layers, solar glass and performance parameters of collectors. Collaboration with local and international universities and research centres brings continual improvement of production processes and goods. It focuses on the production of solar thermic collectors, photovoltaic systems, and thermal pumps.
During summer months, these devices can deliver 90 - 100% of required thermal energy. Each solar collector which they produce and correctly install can produce more than 1MWh of heat a year and reduce CO2 emissions by 1000kg. The energy gain from one vacuum collector (TS 400) is 800 – 1200 kWh a year, and from a standard collector (TS 300, TS 330, TS 350, TS500, TS530) it is 700 – 930 kWh a year. They offer a 12-year warranty on collectors and support frames. The company continuously improves its products to increase their quality and longevity, but also to turn the production and operations of the whole company more ecological. Equally important are their educational, consulting and awareness-raising activities in the area of active use of renewable energy sources.
Environmental benefits
It is one of the eco-companies that make a high contribution to environmental protection. It invests continuously not only in research and development, but also in greening production. These efforts have resulted in the 100% recovery of anodising and dyeing solution from the electroplating line for the production of selective conversion layers and rinse water purification technology.
Examples of implementation of the solution in practice
family houses, apartment buildings, other buildings (schools, hospitals, hotels, ships)