Thermo|solar Žiar

Thermo|solar ŽiarNa Vartičke 14, 965 01 Žiar nad Hronom
965 01 Žiar nad Hronom
IČO: 00 616 915
Contact person
–+421-45-601 6080
THERMO|SOLAR Žiar, s. r. o., one of the most important European manufacturers of thermal solar collectors, was founded on 1st January 1992. The founders of the company, including the company itself, have produced hundreds of thousands of solar systems during its more than 35 years of existence, mainly used for hot water preparation, pool water heating, heating, industrial heat production and other special purposes. They have exported their products to more than 70 countries worldwide. In addition to European countries, these include Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Ecuador, Egypt, India, Japan, South Africa, Kenya, Korea, Morocco, Mexico, Nigeria, Nepal, New Zealand, New Zealand, Oman, the United Arab Emirates, the United States and others.
The company places primary emphasis on quality, research and development. It owns unique equipment to measure the quality of selective layers, solar glass and collector performance parameters. Cooperation with domestic and foreign universities and research institutes results in continuous improvement of production processes and products. The collectors and supporting structures are guaranteed for 12 years.