Rainwater use – TJ Lokomotíva Margecany

Obec MargecanyObchodná 7
055 01 Margecany
IČO: 00 329 347
Contact person
Ing. Igor Petrik0905 446 656
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Margecany lies near the confluence of the rivers Hornád and Hnilec. Rainwater from a large oblique roof of the tribune at the TJ Lokomotíva Margecany football field used to end up unused in a nearby moat. That is why the town decided to catch and subsequently use rainwater from the tribune roof to irrigate the grass on the playing field. An adapted rainwater downcomer and piping transport the rainwater into two connected underground tanks (each one is ten cubic meters) with a total capacity of 20000 litres of water. This water is subsequently connected to an existing irrigation grid by a pump with a frequency changer and is used to irrigate the grass at the playing field. A pump with a suction basket pumps the water out of the accumulation containers. The pump is located in the technical room of the tribune due to a risk of theft and weather damage.
Economic benefits
Saving financial resources.
Environmental benefits
Rainwater efficient use for irrigation.