Šariš Hackathon


Mesto Prešov
Hlavná 73
080 01 Prešov
IČO: 00 327 646


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051/3100 154
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However, Prešov is also developing smart technologies in some other areas. It is the municipality with the largest amount of open data in Slovakia, for which it was awarded the ITAPA 2017 prize. Prešov was the only municipality to receive this prize. This was an impulse for organizing the Šariš Hackhathon (ŠH) in May 2018– a unique creative meeting of programmers who could use open data for developing mobile applications focusing on transport and mobility, economy or geography. Thanks to that, 11 excellent innovative projects, applications for citizens, tourists, for persons travelling by the urban public transport on a daily basis, the concept of bicycle sharing, a historical interactive game, and some others have been created. Thanks to that, the town of Prešov gave a chance to young programmers and IT enthusiasts to show how to use innovations in practice, making life in Prešov easier not only for inhabitants of Prešov, but also for visitors of the town.

Economic benefits

Saving financial resources.

Environmental benefits

Protection of the environment.

Examples of implementation of the solution in practice

Creating mobile applications for transport and mobility, economics or geography.
