The system of intelligent lighting in town Prešov


Mesto Prešov
Hlavná 73
080 01 Prešov
IČO: 00 327 646

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051/3100 154
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The system of intelligent lighting has saved Prešov thousands of euros and millions of kWh of electric energy. Prešov, as the first town in Slovakia, began building the system of remote control of public lighting through the administrator company O.S.V.O. comp. While at the beginning of public lighting modernization, the average installed energy input per classic lighting fixture was 150 W, today it is about 83 W. Currently, 2,650 old lighting fixtures out of the total number of 9,374 have been replaced in Prešov. In total, since the beginning of this modernization, the town has saved 5,692,134 kWh of electric energy compared to the original system, i.e. 67 % compared to the last period, which is – when expressed financially – nearly EUR 100,000 per year. Hereby the CO2 production has decreased by 64.39 tonnes per year. The town used money from the EU structural funds for this project, as well as the grant scheme of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

Economic benefits

In cumulative terms, the city has saved 5,692,134 kWh of electricity since the start of this upgrade compared to the original system, 67% compared to the previous period, which translates to a financial saving of almost €100,000 per year.

Environmental benefits

CO2 production decreased by 64.39 tonnes per year.

Examples of implementation of the solution in practice

Intelligent lighting system in Prešov.
