Waste plastic to oil


PWR - Plastic Waste Recycling, a. s.
Dr. Vl. Clementisa 10, Bratislava
82102 Bratislava
IČO: 36 058 645


Contact person

Ing. Hajas Peter, Ph.D.
View profile


PWR – Plastic Waste Recycling a.s. is a producer of gas oil, which is produced by recycling of previously non-recyclable and low value plastic waste by process of thermo catalytic depolymerisation by polyoliphenic technology/process. The technology of thermo catalytic treatment of plastic waste is consisting in recycling of PE, LDPE, HDPE and PP waste to liquid hydrocarbon by method of catalytic depolymerisation. During this process liquid and gas hydrocarbon are produced, which can either be further utilized as a fuel of vehicles and combustion systems or raw material of chemical industry to be processed or rectified. Unlike various other recycling processes our technology fully complies with all the requirements of European Union directives and regulations The acquired product is treated into components identical and/or very similar to the quality of mineral oils and are utilized as a component of liquid fuels, input into other treatment in petrochemical and chemical industry, as heat oil and/or as diluents and solvents. This technology enables to decrease a great deal of plastic waste on refuse dumps as well as decrease of consumption of diesel and coal.

Economic benefits

Cost-effective heating and powering of engines with secondary fuel made from waste plastic.

Environmental benefits

This technology makes it possible to significantly reduce the amount of plastic waste stored in landfills and also reduces the consumption of diesel and coal.

Examples of implementation of the solution in practice

Operation / Plant is located at Mikušovská cesta 5454, 984 01 Lučenec
