PWR - Plastic Waste Recycling, a. s.


PWR - Plastic Waste Recycling, a. s.
Dr. Vl. Clementisa 10, Bratislava
82102 Bratislava
IČO: 36 058 645

Contact person

Ing. Hajas Peter, Ph.D.


PWR - Plastic waste recycling, a. s., is an energy company operating mainly on the Slovak market. It provides tailor-made solutions in the field of plastic waste recovery and product processing options in the petrochemical and refinery industries, always taking into account the needs of both the customer and the supplier. The main activity is the production of fuels and gas oils, which are produced by recovering plastic waste through the process of thermocatalytic depolymerisation of polyolefin, i.e. the decomposition of long chains of plastic materials into a fluid mixture of saturated hydrocarbons. The output product is a catalytic heavy fraction, corresponding in fractional composition to light fuel oil, diesel fuel (diesel fuel), gasoline and waxes, i.e. raw materials that can be further processed in the petrochemical and refining industries as a valuable feedstock or can be directly used for heat and power generation as fuel for cogeneration units. The production capacity is 500 t/month, and the company has a permit for the recovery of 17 500 t/year of plastic waste and therefore has the potential for further increases in production.
