Soundproofing strip made of recycled PUR, VKM and paper


KURUC - COMPANY spol. s r.o.
Nitrianska 59
941 42 Šurany
IČO: 36 542 482

Contact person

Marián Kuruc
00421 35 650 80 30
View profile


Attenuation of step noise in the floor with additional thermal insulation function.

Economic benefits

Tepelná vodivosť izolačnej dosky STERED ID je 0,061 Wm-1k-1, kým zemina je v rozmedzí 0,91-1,1 W.m-1k-1. 
Vzhľadom na mechanickú odolnosť dosiek STERED ID na tlak, vodu a mrazuvdornosť je plocha dosiek pochôdzna v suchom i mokrom stave a pri použití dosiek o objemovej hmotnosti 250kg/m3 aj plne pojazdná motorovým vozidlom.

Environmental benefits

STERED ID also attenuates high-frequency tones. By appropriately placing the STERED ID board next to your computing equipment, you reduce annoying fan noises to a very acceptable level.

Examples of implementation of the solution in practice

The product is not suitable for outdoor environments, short-term exposure to weather, wet and humid environments and chemically stressed environments.
