Municipal apiary


Obec Korňa
Vyšná Korňa 517
02321 Korňa
IČO: 00 314 064

Contact person

Ing. Marianna Bebčáková
041/4356 214
View profile


The municipal apiary is a space that is used for demonstration bee keeping, but also for educational purposes where pupils or students can learn more about the life of bees, as well as about beekeeping practice. Both buildings are all-wooden and contain elements of the original architecture typical of the Upper Kysuce region. The apiary consists of two parts - the first is the apiary itself, where there is space for 8 bee colonies, and the second is a gazebo with a meadery, where workshops and presentations are held. The beehives have a transparent ceiling, which makes it possible to observe the life of the bees. In the honey house, there is a demonstration of honey processing, from cleaning the combs to bottling the honey using a machine called a honey extractor. Near the municipal apiary there are three linden trees, which as strong honey-bearing trees are used by bees as a source of pollen and nectar. Thanks to the surrounding environment, the honey produced is of very high quality and has even been praised for its antiseptic effects. Anyone interested in attending a lecture at the municipal apiary can contact the apiary manager or the municipal office.

Economic benefits

The municipal apiary was built within the framework of the cross-border cooperation called Heritage of Coats of Arms and Traditional Crafts of the Municipalities of Korňa and Bílá. The project develops cross-border cooperation between the municipalities of Korňa and Bílá within the Slovak-Czech border area. The project contributes to the preservation, protection, promotion and development of natural and cultural heritage. The municipal apiary is an attraction for schools and tourists alike and thus represents an opportunity for the overall development of the region, especially in terms of tourism and the associated economic benefits for the whole area.

Environmental benefits

Bee keeping is an essential part of the economy, but also of the whole environment. Bees are essential for the pollination of flowers and trees and, in the case of pollination of agricultural crops, can even be said to be indispensable. In addition to quality bee products such as honey, wax and propolis, bees contribute to the preservation of biodiversity through their pollination activity.
