Mesto Zlaté Moravce


Mesto Zlaté Moravce
1.mája 2
953 01 Zlaté Moravce
IČO: 00 308 676

Contact person

Zuzana Hritz


The town was founded at the confluence of the Žitava river and the Hostianský brook /Zlatnianka/ at the meeting point of three significant geological and geomorphological units - the core mountain ranges of the inner Western Carpathians /Tribeč/, the neovolcanic mountain ranges of the inner Western Carpathians /Pohronský Inovec/ and the Pannonian Basin represented by the Danube Lowland. For the first time Zlaté Moravce is mentioned in the old documents of the Hungarian king Gejza from 1075 under the name "Maurod". This name was retained by our town, then still only a settlement, for several centuries. The glorious past of the settlement, which was first documented in writing in 1113, is recalled by several historical monuments. Location: Western Slovakia, Nitra region, 29 km east of Nitra, 48o 23´N. 48° 24´E, 18° 24´E. Altitude: 196m, the town's cadastre extends at an altitude of 170 - 714 m above sea level. Zlaté Moravce, Chyzerovce, Prílepy. Population: 12491 inhabitants. Among the construction companies, ViOn has a strong presence and has extensive construction activities all over Slovakia. In Zlaté Moravce we have five secondary schools, four primary schools, two special primary schools.
