ASEKOL SK, s. r. o.


ASEKOL SK, s. r. o.
Lamačská cesta 45
84103 Bratislava
IČO: 45 602 689

Contact person

Jozef Neupauer
+421 948 991 900


ASEKOL SK is a producer responsibility organisation founded in 2010 by major manufacturers and importers of electrical equipment, batteries, accumulators, packaging and non-packaging products. On behalf of manufacturers and importers, ASEKOL SK organises and finances the system of sorted collection of packaging and non-packaging waste and its recovery and recycling, as well as the nationwide system of collection, transport and treatment of e-waste, used batteries and accumulators. ASEKOL SK is the largest producer responsibility organisation for portable batteries and accumulators and the largest producer responsibility organisation for electrical equipment in the field of consumer electronics.
