Inštitút pre pasívne domy


Inštitút pre pasívne domy
Panónska 17
85104 Bratislava
IČO: 30 787 190

Contact person

Ľubica Šimkovicová


The Institute for Passive Houses, iEPD, is a non-political, voluntary, interest-based non-governmental organisation. iEPD was founded in 2005. Since 2006 it has been organising international conferences, participating in various building fairs and exhibitions. Since 2009 it has been organizing 10-day seminars on Designing Passive Houses, now the School of Sustainable Architecture. Since 2017, in cooperation with the Slovak Chamber of Architects, he has been organising the conferences Buildings A0, a conference a little differently..., which have an attractive discussion format and have a very good response in the professional audience. Every year, in autumn, it organises Passive House Days, when dozens of willing owners open their homes to share their experiences of living in a passive house with visitors - more here: iEPD has published several publications on passive house issues. It has participated in various international projects dealing with energy efficiency in buildings, climate change. iEPD brings together companies from the ranks of manufacturers of building materials and components, construction companies, design and architectural offices, implementation companies, etc.
