Klimatický klub / Národný Trust n. o.


Klimatický klub / Národný Trust n. o.
Partizánska 2
81103 Bratislava
IČO: 42 000 408


Contact person

Martin Kováč, Ing.


The Climate Club is a professional platform for domestic and international, interdisciplinary and intersectoral collaboration of actors, experts and concerned publics in the field of research, analysis and provision of sustainable water cycle in the landscape, flows and transformation of solar energy in the troposphere with the aim of revitalizing the landscape and climate remediation. The achievement of the above objectives is supported by integrated water and soil resource management (IWRM), nature-based solutions (NBS), nature-based water conservation measures (NWRM), or the application of green infrastructure and organic architecture. The Climate Club analyses the causal links between water cycle, climate change, carbon footprint reduction and bioclimatic regulation on a holistic basis. The Climate Club expert platform operates under the non-profit organisation National Trust.
