



Alpha galaxy, s.r.o.


Martin taxi service ALPHA TAXI of Alpha galaxy, s. r. o., provides its customers with the highest available quality of …

ASEKOL SK, s. r. o.


ASEKOL SK is a producer responsibility organisation founded in 2010 by major manufacturers and importers of electrical equipment, batteries, accumulators, …

DUKOP Enterprises s.r.o.


NOK, s.r.o. was founded on the idea of taking waste prevention to the next level, represented by the NOK (I …

Inštitút pre pasívne domy


The Institute for Passive Houses, iEPD, is a non-political, voluntary, interest-based non-governmental organisation. iEPD was founded in 2005. Since 2006 …

Ekotema Group s.r.o.


Ekotema Group, s. r. o., is an innovative company focused on sustainability and ecology. It helps to understand the risks …

LIKO-S, a.s.


LIKO-S, spol. s r. o., has been on the market for 30 years.  Since its foundation in 1992, the company …

Šumné – Knižnica oblečenia


The Šumné Civic Association founded the first Clothing Library in Slovakia. It offers rental of quality products from local brands …

ANTIK Telecom s. r. o.


ANTIK Telecom was founded in 1999. Over the years, it has continuously worked on new and improved services. At present, …

Data provided - The content of the page in the Profiles and Solutions section contains subjects that are responsible for the truthfulness, correctness, completeness and timeliness of the data provided. The responsibility for the truthfulness, correctness, completeness and timeliness of the data provided in the other parts of this page, institutions responsible are the Ministry of environment of the Slovak Republic and Slovak environment agency. In case you find that the data published is not true, correct, complete or up-to-date, you can contact us via e-mail: