PR Krajné, s. r. o.
Stered PR Krajné, s. r. o., aims to be a partner of designers in offering new, innovative and progressive elements, …
JRK Slovensko s. r. o.
The company's mission - to reduce the amount of mixed municipal waste - is primarily implemented through cooperation with municipalities. …
Mesto Stará Ľubovňa
The main task in the executive of local government is to care for the all-round development of the territory and …
StrechoStav, s.r.o.
Roofostav realizes reconstructions, insulation and retention modifications of roofs.
SK - TEX, spoločnosť s ručením obmedzeným
The company is focusing on the recycling of textiles and the production of insulation based on recycled textiles.
EXA Consult, s.r.o.
The products of EXA Consult, s.r.o. are ecological, completely recyclable and environmentally friendly. They are disposed of like ordinary paper. …
Vetropack Nemšová, s.r.o.
Vetropack Nemšová, s. r. o., owned by the Swiss company Vetropack, produces, sells and distributes packaging glass in Slovakia. It …
Mesto Žiar nad Hronom
The town of Žiar nad Hronom is located in the Banská Bystrica region, in the central Pohronie region, in the …