



Rapidnext, s.r.o.


Rapidnext, s. r. o., has been in the additive manufacturing 3D printing market since 2013 and offers professional solutions for …

LP MAN s.r.o.


LP MAN s.r.o., offers a new range of MEDIMAN medical protective equipment (drapes and coveralls). They contain active silver, thanks …

Občianske združenie SLNKOTVOR


In 2015, OZ Slnkotvor was founded by a group of active volunteers who have been working in the village of …

Voňavé špaldové vankúše


Voňavé špaldové vankúše (Fragrant spelt pillows) is a Slovak manufacturer of spelt pillows. The pillows are filled with organic quality …

SWAP Košice


SWAP Košice is an ecological concept of clothing exchange, which is backed by a civic association whose main goal is …

Energia pre Slovensko


Education and promotion of sustainable development, energy saving and environmental protection, promotion of the use of renewable energy sources, promotion …

SAIPO s.r.o.


Saipo is a Slovak brand of sustainable natural cosmetics - a formulation of waterless, solid cleansers for hair and body …

Nezávislá Environmentálna Konzultačná Agentúra s. r. o.


Independent Environmental Consulting Agency, s. r. o., is a project of Peter Šimurka, who has been working on the environment …

Data provided - The content of the page in the Profiles and Solutions section contains subjects that are responsible for the truthfulness, correctness, completeness and timeliness of the data provided. The responsibility for the truthfulness, correctness, completeness and timeliness of the data provided in the other parts of this page, institutions responsible are the Ministry of environment of the Slovak Republic and Slovak environment agency. In case you find that the data published is not true, correct, complete or up-to-date, you can contact us via e-mail: